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Humboldt Redwoods Camping Trip

Updates / Adventures

We had an absolute blast on our trip to Humboldt Redwoods State Park! A group of staff and interns spent four days and three nights camping under colossal, centuries-old redwood trees during the first week of August. The weather was perfect for swimming in the Eel River, where we spent hours floating on inner tubes and jumping from a rope swing into the pristine water.

We also brought our bikes so that we could ride along the Avenue of the Giants. Even though the sun was out, the canopy of redwoods provided us with total shade that protected us during the ride. We even got some hiking in on the first and last days of the trip, including a nighttime walk through a redwood grove covered in moss and sorrel.

We shared good food conversation around camp, roasting marshmallows and playing Settlers of Catan late into the night. All in all, it was a great bonding experience for everyone involved. Our interns repeatedly express how much they enjoy spending time with one another, and we know that these outdoor trips are an integral part of establishing a supportive community at Waterside. We couldn’t have asked for a better time!